My Swingers ExperiencesSwingers Experience: Swinger Gallery |
Many new swingers try "soft swinging" first, often times, without even intending on becoming swingers. A little alcohol between close, attractive friends is sometimes all it takes to spontaneously spark the swinging bug. "Soft Swinging" can include flirting with someone other than your partner, but only have sex with your partner. "Hard Swinging" comes into play when "sex partners" are exchanged or shared.
Swinging is supposed to be fun, you never want to settle for or have to "cope" with any action before, during or after a swinging encounter. It's NEVER ever too late to say "NO" Should you start to feel uncomfortable even during an encounter, STOP IT!!! If others do not understand your choice, that simply validates that you made the correct decision.
Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein published in 1961, won the 1962 Hugo Award This was the first book I ever read that had swingers in it. Well, it wasn't called swinging, but the orgies and communal living certainly inspired the generation who decided to throw off the shackles of conventional sexuality. It is considered to be the most socially influential book ever written by Robert Heinlein. The main character, Valentine Michael Smith was the child of the first Mars expedition. The crew died on Mars and he was raised by Martians. When he returns to Earth in his twenties, he is human in appearance, but culturally an alien. His otherworldly views and experiences take a hard look at human behavior. It asks why do we do the things we do and should we continue in the same way. Politics, religion, sexuality, marriage are all examined through alien eyes. The book actually spawned a pagan church. It made me think about what I do and why I do it. When I read it, I was still in a very narrow minded church. Though I continued in the religion another 15 years, it did change how I looked at religion. I decided that religion was like being made into a bonsai tree. My essential nature could not be changed. A maple is a maple is a maple. What I hoped was that the strictures and limitations of my church could be used to concentrate and distill my essence into something beautiful. "Swing Clubs" are one of the best ways to get started in "swinging". There are many different types of "Swing Clubs" and "Swingers Groups". You can find them online and offline. Some charge and some are free. The online "Swingers Clubs" come in the form of personals, message boards, and even chat rooms. The offline "Swingers Clubs" can be anything from a group of swingers that meet in a private home to a full scale, full service club with hot tubs, lounges, bars, and sex rooms. Some swingers groups and clubs meet in local hotels or bars. Off-premise clubs are for meeting other swingers only. If you want to have sex with anyone, you must make arrangements to meet somewhere else. On-premise clubs have locations for you to engage in sex with the members or guests of the club or group.
When dealing with uncut men, I always take more caution to pull the fore skin back with my hand to expose his crown/head. It's my understanding that uncut men are more sensitive around the head and rim. I always be sure that the stimulation I give him in that area isn't too much and that he is comfortable. I am always sure that my lips and mouth are dripping with saliva as I plasure him orally, the skin becomes very tight and I certainly do not want to rub him raw. The technique isn't that different from giving oral to a man who is cut,just a slight variation. In my opinion, IT'S ALL GOOD!
Kisses... ~ Miranda |
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Adult Swingers Story |