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"Bi Women" or "Bisexual Women" are becoming more and more common in The Lifestyle. While the popularity of "Bi Men" is also growing, it is growing at a much slower pace and heterosexuals are still the primary type of swingers in The Lifestyle.
First please allow me to say that becoming involved in the swinging lifestyle seeking something that a spouse isn't capable of giving, will not give or thinks he/she cannot give is risky and is swinging for ALL the wrong reasons. You both need to communicate and understand this. This alone is a basis for halting your swinging activities. Try to make him understand that you do not feel a need to be "taken care of" that the pressure to perform is becoming overwhelming for you. Communicate together on techniques that can be learned to enhance your intimacy together. There are many solutions leading to sexual pleasure in dealing with health issues. Seek those solutions together and help him to gain his self esteem back. Swinging is the very last thing that your relationship needs at this point. Allow him to see this forum, hopefully it will assist in helping him to understand your feelings.
"Bi Women" or "Bisexual Women" are becoming more and more common in The Lifestyle. While the popularity of "Bi Men" is also growing, it is growing at a much slower pace and heterosexuals are still the primary type of swingers in The Lifestyle.
Swinging IS NOT all about sex ALL the time. Being a swinger does not indicate that all we do is have sex in a crowded room with nude bodies all around us. But when we do swing/ engage in sexual encounters with others, it's for recerational sex only. Couples do not seek the qualities in partners that we once searched for in our spouse, that has been found and cannot get any better. In connecting with potential swinging partners I agree that attraction is important but, comes in many forms. Swinging places very few limits on you so why limit yourself to only those whom have always captured your attention? There is a HIGE variety of people who swing, all with an enormous array of traits to offer. Being too picky and superficial only limits you. If you close your mind to variety you are missing all the bells and whistles as well as the concept of swinging.
Kisses... ~ Miranda |
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