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A polyamorous couple is a couple who adds others to their lives for not only recreational sex. There is more of an emotional attachment/love between all involved. Although there are many polyamorous swingers, practicing in polyamory one should be aware of the different guidelines that may not apply to basic swinging.
Rules are often set between partners prior to "swinging". "No means No" is a rule that ALL swingers should follow. But other rules can be set about respect, jealousy, privacy, and even code words or signs.
I must say though that yes, jealousy is present within the lifestyle and just because one may have jealousy issues, it does not indicate that they do not have a place within the swinging community. Jealousy for most can be dealt with using baby steps and proper guidance. Hiding it and denying it is what causes the drama.
When considering the lifestyle, the first step is to be sure that you both are fully aware of your desires in what you are seeking. Set guidelines as to what you will and will not be comfortable sharing with others. Seek others who are seeking the same and take it slowly from there.
For a loving couple who are unable to say, I will never have or want to have sex with anyone but you, swinging is the answer. After all if they were an artist, you wouldn't want to confine them to one color in the paintbox.
Most clubs don't allow single males and if they do they only allow them on certain nights. Check out the swingers clubs listed on the net and contact them individually for their rules and regulations.
"Male Swingers", whether married or single, often find The Lifestyle to be an amazing experience. Although women usually lead in "The Swinging Lifestyle", the man is often the one to introduce their wives and/or girlfriends to The Lifestyle. Often, men that are not active in The Lifestyle would be if only they could find a partner who was ready and willing. Guilt also plays a factor in stopping men and women alike from swinging.
Kisses... ~ Miranda |
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